Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wednesday= Off day
Today is such a free day for me! So, I do reading mostly the whole morning after my usual jog and came across this short yet meaningful story. It goes like this:

Value of a life

There was a little orphan in this particular orphanage always in a sad mood. One day, he asked the principal: "what is the point to keep on living for someone like me as there is no one else care for me?"
The principal laughed. He gave the boy a stone and said: "you take this to sell in the market tomorrow. But, no matter how high is the price, remember not to sell it."
The second day, the boy did whatever is told by the principal. He stood at a corner with the stone. Amazingly, there are a lot of people who feel interesting with his stone and the price is getting higher and higher. Once he is backed to the orphanage, he told everything to the princal happily. Then, the principal smiled and told him to sell it in the Goldsmith Market the next day. Suprisingly, the price of the stone gets even higher than the first day at about 10 times.
Finally, the principal asked the boy to sell the stone in the Jewelery Market. As a result, the stone worth 10 times more than the second day and as the boy reluctant to sell the stone, the stone is known as some rare jewel in the market.
Happily, the boy ran back to the orphanage and told the principal everything about it. Then, the principal says: "Value of life is just like this stone, has different value in different situation. An ordinary stone will become a rare jewel if you appreciate and care for it. Aren't you just like this stone? If you have determination and self-confident, then you appreciate it, your life worth more then anything in the world."

p/s: Always appreciate what you have and have self-confident in yourself no matter where you are. You are always the best! Believe in yourself!

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