Today, my school got a blood donation campaign thingy going on! So, as I've turn 18, legally this year, I decided to be a good citizen! I want to donate blood! To help others in need! Thus, I've my first blood donation in my life time! At first, I thought that will be quite painful as the nurses will poke a thick needle into your vein to get the blood! But, it turns out to be just like some insect-bite feeling! LoLx... My blood flows very fast too! Within 5 minutes, my packet of blood is full and the nurse praise me! Haha... So proud! Then, the nurse asked me to rest at the bed for few minutes to retain the blood lost in my arm!!! LoLx...
After all, I feel myself quite lucky today!!! Able to escape Mr.Karu's scolding... Hehez... So lucky!!! Hope so everyday will be like that! Yeah!
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